Thanksgiving 2019

November 28

Ten thinks I am thankful for:

* I am thankful to God, because he give me this life.

* I am thankful to have a good health, because is very comfortable.

* I am thankful to have something to eat and to drink.

* I am thankful to my parents, because they gave me everythink I need.

* I am thankful to can study and to go ahead to have a good future.

* I am thankful to have a family and to have good friends like Liam, Xime, Jessie, Majo and Xanat.

* I am thankful to have the three best brother in all the galaxy: Manuel, Lula and Isa.

* I am thankful to have someones for guide me and take care of me.

* I am thankful to be mexican, because we are a free country.

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